Return to the City of Thieves for some Market Mayhem
"This town ain't called the City of Thieves for no reason!"​
Market Mayhem is a Fighting Fantasy role-playing board game adventure for 3-14 players. It was designed by Ian Livingstone and published in Warlock magazine. This print-your-own version has been designed and produced by Kevin Abbotts.
Ian has made the game available for you to play with your family or friends and you can download the assets here for your personal use. There is no charge, however, we would instead ask that you make a charitable donation. Please donate whatever you can here:
The emergency appeal to save the
Ian is a patron of The National Videogame Museum which is run by the BGI, a charity which Ian helped found and now acts as its chair.
About the National Videogame Museum
The UK's only museum dedicated to videogame culture is threatened with permanent closure by Coronavirus. The charity has no safety net of public arts funding to help it survive the outbreak and the UK could lose this unique venue with nearly 100 playable exhibits, school workshops and family events. Please help fund the Museum so it can survive until it is safe to re-open.